Tuesday, May 12, 2009

$20,000 compliment.

Today I interviewed for a local scholarship. I was one of three finalists out of my graduating class. The scholarship is for $5,000 per year and is renewable for all four years. I'll just say that getting this scholarship would be incredible.

I showed up to my guidance counselor's office today and sized up the competition. The other two students competing for the same scholarship were intimidating. Megan, a girl who I didnt grow up with going to school with, is one of the brightest students in my graduating class. I remember first meeting her in honors geometry freshman year. Megan is cute, classy, and capable if nothing else. Her hair is always perfect and her homework is always done. College of choice: UCLA. The other candidate, Caleb, is also an obvios choice for the award. All star athlete, popular (the nice kind, not the jerkish kind), and very, very smart. Caleb is an all around nice guy just because he is a nice person. He is kinda quiet, and is a secret genius. College of choice: Cal Poly, San Louis Obispo.

And then there is me...I only went to high school for three and a half years, never an athlete, musician, or artist. I kinda sat back through high school. I had fun in the FFA, but wasnt really that involved. I have my different writings, but I kept those a secret until about 6 months ago. I technically didnt even qualify for the scholarship and its only by the grace of God I was interviewed.

On with my story.

I was first to interview. I left Caleb nervously fidgeting his hand and went into the make-shift interview room (aka the principle's 0ffice) and shook hands with 3 older gentlemen who I found out were brothers of the deceased man who started the foundation. They were nice enough, but by the second question I could start to hear the nervousness in my own voice. I explained to them my reasons for choosing Evergreen, my choice of major, and answered questions as to my high school expiriences.

Then one man started with another question, prefaced with a compliment. "One thing in your personal statement stuck out to me. Very well written by the way..." He went on to ask some random question, but it didnt really matter what it was. I had already won. I didnt even need to finish the interview and could've walked out right then. That comment meant more to me than actually being chosen for the scholarship. I walked out of that office with my held held so high Im surprised I didnt trip. I know I probably wont get the scholarship because of a disagreement I held with the interviewers and I completely hope that Caleb or Megan get the scholarship. Though $20,000 would help me, I know that my writing will carry me no matter what. In his own way, the interviewer helped me realize that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand a bit where you're coming from. HOW AWESOME!