Thursday, June 4, 2009


Tonight is my high school graduation. I suppose the memories are different for everyone, high school for me was a bore.I spent hours inside the classroom learning comparitavely little to what I learned outside those walls. This brings me to my list of the top ten things I learned in high school. This list is designed to help younger generations, let older generations reminisce, and to remind myself of important things for college.

Top Ten Things Learned While Attending Kingsburg High School

1. However well you want to do at Kingsburg High School, you can. Pick you goal, and put forth as little effort as necessary. You want to be validictorian? Fine. Do your homework and take easy classes, maybe throw in a AP class for good measure.

2. Teachers are just people. Some of them really aren't that much smarter than you are, but they have gone to school longer therefore have power over you. Treat them decently and they will reward you for it.

3. If you can play a sport, do it. KHS's favoritism towards athletes is almost sickening.

4. Suck up to anyone and everyone. Teachers, office ladies, janitors, bus drivers, the librarian, snack bar people, and especially the administration. You will reap endless perks.

5. It is okay to ditch school. Don't make it a habit, dont say I told you so, and when you ditch, dont hang out in downtown Kingsburg. If youre sneaky enough, you will figure out a way to not even get caught. (Email me for ideas)

6. Make a lot of friends. That way when some turn on you, you have others.

7. Dont take your self too seriously and dont talk about other people. It destresses everything, and makes things way easier.

8. Make friends with people who have cars. I've heard of people going as far as Reedley for lunch and making it back on time.

9. Get involved. Join a club or two, run for student coucil, anything. Then at graduation when they call your name, people wont look around and ask, "Who the heck is that? Is she new?"

10. There is life outside the open campus of KHS. High school is nothing like the rest of the world. High school is actually one of the most horrible things on earth, so get away from it when you can.

Well, that summarizes my high school expirience. For anyone else who wants to witness the culmination, the ceremonies start at 7:30 at the football stadium.

Photo: Cory Ralston

1 comment:

Adam Fryatt said...

I agree with all 10 to some degee, but I think I agree most with numbers 7 and 10, especially 10. There is no word, number, or expression to describe how much better college is compared to high school.