Saturday, September 5, 2009

Frank and Tina.

I went out to dinner with my parents tonight. They took me to Red Lobster and as soon as the waitress brought us our drinks, the show began. Simultaneously both my mother (42) and father (45) began to unwrap their straws, one end at first. They were sitting next to each other on the opposite side of the booth from myself. Not realizing that they're actions were synced, they both put the unwrapped end of the straw in their mouth and tried to shoot the straw wrapper at me. My father laughed as his wrapper shot off to the side and missed the target while my mother sat next to him giggling because the wrapper wouldnt come off her straw. I looked at them both, laughing myself. My parents are both college educated people who both hold steady, professional jobs. At that moment I had to ask them with a smile, "How do you expect me to become a responsible adult when I have children for parents?" They chuckled again and gave me a sarcastic answer.

I hope I grow up to be just like them.