Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day.

I decided to do something of value on this glorious day, to go down to city hall and celebrate the inauguration with thousands of other happy San Franciscans. Ill be honest, I was incredibly pumped. Not just for the new president, but also to get out of the house and expirience something so historically huge with so many other people. I took a shower, put on a dress, and was ready to go, when tragedy struck.

My mother called.

My mother calling wasn't exactly the tragedy, it was the conversation. She asked me what my plans were for the day so I told her. I asked about when the actual inauguration was, (adress, oath, etc...) and she told me it had been at noon. "Huh? Mom, its only 11:30..."

Noon in DC is 9am here. I had completely missed my opportunity to see the live coverage. At 9am, I was still sound asleep. Dummy Rachel, thinking that an inauguration would be an evening thing.

Anyhow, after watching the video of Obama's speech on CNN.com and with a new spirit of patriotism, I went down to the civic center anyway. I was dissapointed when I saw crews taking everything down from the mornings events, but reguardless of my missed chance to expirience something spectacular, today was an incredible day, both for me and the rest of the country. I am excited to see where the next four years takes this country, and proud to have expirienced this historical date in American History.

And on a lesser, more petty side of things, Im proud that in the first election I was old enough to vote in, I voted for the winner! :P GObama!

1 comment:

Adam Fryatt said...

Aww, that sucks! Yea my school had an event going on and i was awake for it, but I had class at 8:30 so I missed out as well. Exciting stuff though...oh I voted for him as well; I seriously hope he wisely uses the power granted to him. If not, our country will still be stuck in a rut, and I will have to hear about it from almost everyone I know, friends as well as family. But I have hope, nonetheless ;)