Wednesday, January 7, 2009

San Franciscans are a different breed.

I nearly smacked my face on some concrete today. As I was walking to the grocery store, I crossed at the intersection and caught the tip of my shoe (my new work shoes I was trying to break in) on the sidewalk and went flying. I was able to catch myself, with a bit of arm flailing, and I remained intact. I looked around, naturally, to see if anyone happened to see me nearly crash. Of course. It was a busy intersection and other people had crossed the street with me. I glanced behind myself, pausing, and people walked right past me. There was no way they had not seen me, but I was confused. If I was out and about, and I saw someone nearly plant their face into the cement, I would at least ask if they were okay. I mean, I was indeed fine, it was plain to see no harm had been done, but not one person asked if I was alright. I couldnt believe it. The part of me that believes the goodness exists in all humanity took a blow to the gut today.


SLJ said...

I wonder if:

They were trying to not embarass you by ignoring your grace, OR

They are used to seeing people stumble around occasionally and yours was nothing new, OR

You were not hurt so they weren't too concerned.

What kind of shoes are these murderous things?

Floyd said...

Haha I hope its the first one. In that aspect, it actually was nice for a change.

And they look like nurse shoes, but black. And not comfortable.