Monday, February 9, 2009

Come to Life.

For being 3 something a.m., its quite bright outside. If I were in the city, I wouldn't even have noticed. Im in Kingsburg now visiting, and I happened to glance out my bedroom window. The moon is nearly full, and very bright. If I didn't know better, I would think it was very near dawn. The moon is just west over my house, and I can lie in bed and see it out of the top corner of my window.

It reminds me of the time the moon scared me. I am often scared of things that arent scary, such as when my toast pops up unexpectedly, and the moon was one such story.

It was a few months ago, perhaps even last summer. It was a lovely evening, so I decided to leave my blinds up to let the night glowy darkness spill into my room. I had fallen asleep around ten or eleven, and I woke up very suddenly at about this time, maybe two or three a.m. I glanced out the window, fearful that someone was outside. Someone standing outside had a thick beam of a flashlight pointed in my room, and they were shining it directly into my face, rendering me blind to anything but the light. Terrified, I quickily ducked underneath my covers like a child. Sure they were still outside, but at least they couldnt see me. A wave of panic struck me.

After a few moments, the clear thought returned and I understood. I peeked out from beneath the blanket and stared straight into the moon's bright light. No one had been outside, just a sun-like beam cast from a different celestial body. I felt silly, having been scared by something as harmless as the moon, but I was relieved. I love bright moons, and I had always felt safer in the nights they appeared.

I looked outside tonight and I see the same bright moon. I am not scared tonight, and I feel safe. If it weren't so cold and I weren't so tired and I werent so afraid of possum attacks, I might go outside and sit in the moonlight.

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