Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Northwest repeat.

If youre ever in the SeaTac airport and need free wifi, go sit near Tully's by terminal A9 and use the code 2063333333. Im probably stealing by telling you this, but I firmly belive that free internet should be a right, not a privilege. And if you want to buy a coffee there, its not bad.

Any how, Im waiting for my flight. The first leg of my cross country journey was by car; today by plane, train, and automobile. I hate to feel like I am promoting companies on my blog, but Virgin America is a godsend. My flight today from Seattle to San Francisco is resounding $38. Incredible. And its not some gross little plane either, very high tech. Clean, modern, and you can play video games, watch movies, order food, and even chat with other passengers from the tv screen built into the head rest in front of you. And Virgin America, if you ever find my blog and want to reward me with a free flight, you can reach me at Hot_child_in_the_city@rocketmail.com. I kid, but seriously, Ill shamelessly promote you for free things. That extends to anyone. :]

Now as I sit here, I really ought to be working on scholarships or doing something the least bit productive, but instead I blog. I find myself doing that alot. I dont know what exactly I wish to accomplish though it, but its enjoyable and I like having my opinion out there for virtually anyone to read.

Like I said earlier, Im in Seattle rather than Kingsburg. I drove my Grandmother home. She is quite a lady. Fun, outspoken, and very very kind. She even bought me pie. We drove up through California and Oregon on Saturday, and spent the night with Aunt Charlotte, her sister. While technically my Great Aunt, I have not very great aunts older than her. Just a clarification, as crotchety-old-lady-with-bowls-of-taffy come to mind when I think "great aunt." Anyhow, Grandma and Charlotte hung out while I went to Portland for the day.

I'd only been to Portland once before years ago, so having a personal tour was awesome. My uncle Jason and his new wife Laura (along with Jason's bandmates and little dog) drove me around the city and it was absolutely lovely. We went to a coffeehouse or two, walked around the Hawthorne district, and snuck onto the campus of Reed College. Oh, and we went to a cupcake shop!

Kudos to Ben for the picture. Saint cupcake it was called, on the corner of 17th and Flanders by a St. Mary's church. (Thus the name) Not bad, but all the cupcakes had cream cheese frosting, which I dont always care for.

After we left Portland, Grandma and I kept driving, all the way to her house in central Washington. I made myself take pictures, so here are a few more.

Grandmother and I at Spiffy's, home of the giant pie.

White Pass Ski Lodge. I remember crying when my dad took me here when I was 11. I hated (and still do hate) skiing.

Elk, ready to attack.

On a side note, the best band in Portland can be found at www.myspace.com/archeology. Great music and they are touring soon and will be in Fresno this May! They also give good tours of Portland. :]

Ill leave you with one last picture:

The 12 year old boy in me had to take a picture by this sign. Heheh...because, well...its true.

1 comment:

Girl Tornado said...

Sounds like a really fun road trip .. thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my contest -- just curious, how did you find me?! Oh, and I'll pass on the WiFi code for SeaTac to my husband -- he'll be there next month!! :)