Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Plans.

This is the perfect summer. The summer I've dreamed of and talked about for years; this one between high school and college. Society recognizes me as an adult, my parents no longer have full control of what I do, and all this new freedom is making me itchy to do something epic. After much dreaming and wishful thinking, I feel I have conjured up the perfect plan. It has been swimming around in my brain for weeks now, but I finally want to get it out. I need advice for my endeavor, ideas for:

My EPIC Roadtrip

I havent planned out many details, but I know a little bit. Im thinking it will take somewhere around 2-3 weeks. The goal of the trip is to put my toes in the atlantic ocean, for self discovery, and to see fireflies. I also think it would be an incredible blogging opportunity, and I would probably stick a magnet on my car telling people about my travel blog. As of right now I would probably go alone, but that is subject to change. Im thinking about couch surfing to get there, but again that is an undecided aspect. What I see, what route I take, and how I pay for it (Im thinking about having all my facebook friends sponsor me 20 miles, haha) are all questions running through my head. I want to plan soon. I only have 3 months left to execute this!

1 comment:

Stephenjavascript:void(0)Smith said...

Road trip sounds rad! My brother and I are leaving this Saturday for somewhat of a road trip (minus the car). We are going through the southwest and up the pacific coast. Couch surfing is awesome but if you have the chance stay in hostels, its an excellent opportunity to do some social networking. Maybe we will cross paths, who knows? By the way I am Stephen Smith, I'm going to Evergreen next year. Safe Travels!