Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ahh sweet fall. My favorite time of the year. Leaves changing colors, pumpkin flavoured coffee, crisp autumn nights accented with the bright glow of the harvest moon. I just celebrated my 19th birthday, and next week will observe my favorite holiday (hopefully in my halloween costume as Max from Where The Wild Things Are.) What I am most excited for about this season is another attempt at joining other writers from across the world for NaNoWriMo.

National Novel Writing Month, (or NaNoWriMo as the short-handers call it) is a global event in which the participants band together to support each other's attempts to write a full novel in the month of November. Thats right. 30 days. 50,000 words. About the equivalent of about 125 pages, the novel is defined as "a lengthy work of fiction." It is designed for all those people who've ever said "Someday, Ill write a novel."

I've been a part of this annual event for the last two years, and I am ashamed to say that I failed both years. This year, Ive decided, I will stick to my goal. I will win this year, gaining the personal satisfaction as well as bragging rights. I want to encourage and challenge any and all of my blog readers to do the same. When you break it down, its only 1,667 words per day. Completely doable right?

In my journey, I ask that you help keep me on task. Please, call me, text me, or email me to make sure I've written that day. If you also choose to accept the challenge, I promise I would do the same for you. Sign up. Do it for the "Someday..."

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